No matter what has brought you to this page, know that I see you, I honor you and I honor your journey through grief.

I have been trained and certified through Stillbirthday to support people through birth in any trimester and with any outcome. If you or your loved one is experiencing pregnancy loss, stillbirth, expected demise, or medical abortion please know that I am deeply touched by every birth…no matter what that birth story may be.

Bereavement Services can include answering questions, connecting you to local resources, and attending the labor and birth of your baby or accompanying you during the medical process of termination or induction.

My bereavement services are limited by my availability, but not limited to those who can donate to the costs involved. I do encourage friends and family who are willing to consider donating to bereavement funds so I can continue to offer this services on a sliding scale for those who desire extra support.

Resources for Bereavement Support:

-Facebook Support Groups: Share Parents of Utah, Utah Share, PALS-Pregnancy After Loss Support

Connect to Share Parents of Utah for other resources including stillbirth photography services, hand and feet molds, and other parent-to-parent support. has a plethora of resources, including lists of local bereavement doulas, birth plans, images for what to expect, ways to add your baby’s name to a yearly remembrance ceremony, and much more.

-Looking to honor the postpartum period after loss? I wrote a blog giving 30 ideas for taking one day at a time.

UDA Blog –Honoring the Postpartum Period After Loss

Ways to Donate toward Services for Families Experiencing Loss:

Donate towards Bereavement Services $20

Donate towards Bereavement Services $100

Donate full doula fee towards Bereavement Services $1500

Venmo: Raquel-Alfaro-1

Contact me to arrange other ways to donate at:

Thank YOU!